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Wix Email Marketing

Lead magnets, e-mail marketing, sales funnels...

Oh my!

Email marketing coupled with strategic and intuitive sales funnels has been the single most effective way for online businesses to develop a "know, like, and trust" factor with their audience resulting in leads and sales (yay!) 

We simplify this whole process by creating automated systems to attract your ideal clients, grow your audience, and nurture your leads so they are waiting to buy from you!  I know, it seems daunting and "techy" - but we're going to help you :)

What is Content Marketing?

By definition:  "content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action".

What is a Sales Funnel?

By definition:  "an online sales funnel is a representation of the buyer journey through your company from initial contact to purchasing and beyond.  It's strategically designed to meet the potential buyer where they are at, propose a solution to their problem, and ultimately drive profitable customer action".

Wix email marketing services

Still confused?

I'll break it down into digestible bits...

1) You have a FREE valuable offer that your ideal client can't resist (also known as a lead magnet).

2) You have a landing page for this free offer where your ideal client can enter their email address and get it sent automatically to their inbox (these ideal clients now become warm leads on your email list).

3) You follow up the next week with a series of VALUE added emails that are automatically sent out. These emails consist of content relevant to their pain points and your proposed solution. You also share a bit of your story in these emails so they can get to know you better - building that #KnowLikeTrust factor.

4) You announce a paid service or offering that solves their problem, and by this point they are just waiting to buy from you!

5) You on-board a new client *pops champagne!

Now, let me guess...

You think all this sounds great, and you know that having a valuable lead magnet is the best way to grow your email list, develop hot leads, and launch to an audience who wants to buy from you...


BUT, you feel lost in all the digital pieces needed to put the puzzle together.


Even if you could figure it out, you know that's not how you want to be spending your time.

That's where we come in!

How this works...

We'll design your customized lead magnet that speaks to your ideal clients' needs (fillable PDF, checklist, workbook, journal prompts, recipes, etc.)


We handle all the digital technicalities of setting up your email marketing platform (Wix Ascend only)


We automate the email delivery sequence and follow up emails - hallelujah!

Our lead generation and sales funnel packages are fully customized and tailored to your business. We can have everything set up and ready to go in under two weeks from start to finish.

Ascend Email Marketing professional

The step-by-step process for our Wix Email Marketing Package

1) Consultation call to discuss specific details of the project: get clear on your ideal client and what they need, decide on an irresistible lead magnet, and map out an automated email sequence. 

2) After our call, I will send you an invoice detailing the exact deliverables and cost. I'll also send you guided questionnaires which will prep all the content for the lead magnet and email sequence.

3) Once payment is received and your questionnaires are completed, we'll design the lead magnet, an awesome landing page, and set up the automated emails.

4) It's time to raise awareness about your new amazing freebie! You'll get the link to your landing page which you can share in your Instagram bio, on your website, blog posts, Facebook, etc. 

Finally you are growing your email list, increasing leads, and generating sales!

*Pricing depends on the length/size of your lead magnet.

Are you ready to increase your leads?

“Shayah helped me generate a lead magnet that my clients LOVED. She is a wonderful asset to a female entrepreneur who has a lot on her plate and needs help streamlining. Virtuwell Balance is the best out there in terms of understanding what is needed to improve your business and grow your email list."

Holly Pelletier / Acupuncturist

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