I hope you're having an amazing end of the year, feeling well rested, and ready to work towards manifesting all of your new goals in 2024.
I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past year and it’s been such a beautiful process for me as I’m usually very much focused on the future.

Last year I put a revenue number on my vision board that scared me. 💸 It was a number my ego laughed at when I said I wanted that to be my yearly business revenue, mostly because I didn’t know “how” it would happen.
Thanks to my mentors for guidance, establishing some new systems and processes, implementing a PR strategy, the amazing VB team, plus my own commitment and genuine approach to business led us to our most successful year yet!
I do think it’s also important to note that business revenue is totally different from your personal income. Yes, the business grew a lot, but also has a TON of expenses.
AND our success is not just measured by our revenue, we also look at the VB team happiness, client satisfaction and retention, as well as what type of ROI our clients are getting on our services.
We did have one “failed” retreat launch, and I say failed in quotations because it was a big learning lesson for me. We didn’t end up having enough sign ups to break even on the retreat so we decided to cancel it, but now, if we host one in the future we know how to plan and budget much better.
Personally, 2023 had a lot of challenges for me when it came to deciding where I want to live. After traveling and living abroad for 4 years, my husband and I decided to move back to Canada to "settle down" only to realize we don’t really want to live there anymore, and we missed our lifestyle in Central America.🌴
So, after spending 8 months in Canada for most of 2023, we decided to move back down to Antigua Guatemala and make that our home base. And yes, we traveled back and forth with our dog!

This is all to say that, despite feeling lost and a little in the dark about what your future looks like, as long as you stick to your values, align with what you love, and seek guidance when needed, you will absolutely get there. Wherever “there” might be for you.
Now let's take a few moments to do some future planning and goal setting! I'll walk you through my process to set goals and intentions for your Health Business...

Take some time to ask yourself, what do you really want to manifest in your health and wellness business this year?
Be selfish. Make it about YOU and get really clear.
You can't manifest what you want if you don't know what you want, so put some thought into it and get specific!
To do this, I like to take a look back over the past year.
What were your biggest challenges and what challenges are you still sitting with right now?
Use these challenges from the past year to create your goals for the New Year.
Where is there space for you to learn and evolve and grow? Where is there space for you to heal?
If there’s something that came to mind but you feel resistance to it, that’s probably a sign that there’s room for growth.
And if you set some goals over the past year that were really easy for you to achieve, then go bigger this time!
Once you have a challenge (or a few) that you want to focus on, begin to ask yourself WHY. This is where we get into the intention behind the goal...
1) Why is this important to you?
2) Why is this something you want to work on?
Think about your answers and if they are EGO driven or HEART driven.
The reason why (or the intention) is just as important as the goal itself, if not more so...
For example, if you want to land a big press feature in 2024 because you want to LOOK a certain way or IMPRESS your peers, this has a whole different vibe than wanting to land the feature because your article will encourage people to embrace holistic therapies and preventative healthcare so our communities can FEEL better and BE healthier.
By digging into the why we are moving into the heart.
So really ask yourself why. Why is this important to you and what is the real reason for setting these intentions and goals for your health and wellness business (and for yourself!)?
Having a strong intention and reminding yourself of your WHY throughout the year will help you to stay focused and motivated.
Remember: the happiness and abundance you desire, the relationships and love you crave, the health business full of magic and excitement you deeply want... all of it is within reach and available to you. 💝
Myself and the VB team wish you a joyful and abundant 2024 ~ one that is filled with ease, laughter, community, connection, and anything else your soul craves.
In kindness,
My Favorite Green Smoothie Recipe to Help Wellness Practitioners to Thrive in Their Health Business Goals
I make this green smoothie almost EVERY DAY.💚 What can I say, when I find something that works, I stick with it (creature of habit) and this green smoothie recipe is no exception! Add this into your morning routine to help you start the day nourished and hydrated - prerequisites to achieving your goals.😉
This green smoothie recipe is filled with healthy fats, fiber, greens, vegan protein, vital vitamins and nutrients, and all of the hydration for glowing skin so you can take on your day feeling fab!
16 ounces of organic coconut water
2 TBSP aloe vera juice
1 TBSP organic raw coconut butter
1 TBSP chia seeds
1 generous handful of fresh organic baby spinach (you could also sub this out for kale!)
1/2 (or 1 whole depending on size) frozen organic banana
1/2 cup frozen organic pineapple
1/2 cup frozen organic mango
1 serving of your favorite vegan protein powder
sometimes I add in some ginger (I like this one!) for added digestive benefits and taste, but this is totally optional!
Blend everything together in your Vitamix, Ninja, or blender of choice until smooth and enjoy!