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Praise, Raving Reviews, Testimonials and Case Studies

Wonder what it's like to work with us?

Below you'll find a handful of our clients and what they have to say about our experience together :) 

Raving Reviews

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Caroline Young / Yoga-Based Nutritionist + Registered Dietitian


"Before working with Virtuwell Balance I felt like my services were disjointed and not really clearly described or expressed through my website. ⁠ Now, I have more confidence in sending people to my website. It looks professional yet authentic to me and my vision for my business.⁠ ⁠Working with Virtuwell Balance was a fun and growth-inducing experience - I learned a lot in the process! I also felt like the team was really trying to understand my vision and create a clear representation of that through the website and all of its elements.⁠ ⁠ My favorite thing was that my brand's vision was completely seen and understood. I also really loved how organized everything was.⁠ ⁠ I think one of the biggest reasons why I am so happy about the outcome and this experience (aside from the fact that I LOVE the logo and website) is because I connect with Virtuwell Balance as a business, as well as feel aligned with Shayah and her love of travel, freedom, entrepreneurship, health, etc. I feel like if that weren't the case, perhaps the logo and website wouldn't reflect my business/brand as well as it does now."⁠

Our clients have been featured in...

mind body green logo
the detox market logo
Alliance for academic medicine _edited.p

Download our client case studies!

We get it - you want to see the exact results and ROI that other clients received after working with us. No problem! We've complied 7 of our best project results and put it into a PDF for you to review.


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